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new echo Echo Huang 06 19 0020 Headshot smaller size copy 2Echo Huang founded Echo Wealth Management as a woman-owned business in 2015.

She arrived alone from China at the age of 20 with just $800 in her pocket, with a desire to study finance and accounting. Along the way, she worked for KPMG in Minneapolis for almost four years as a Senior Tax Specialist. It was there that she began to gain valuable experience in personal financial planning for corporate executives, especially honing a knack for incorporating stock options strategies and tax planning in individualized financial plans.

Realizing that this was the professional role she was meant to play, she changed her career from that of a tax CPA to becoming a financial advisor in 2000. This transition allowed Echo to provide comprehensive financial planning and investment management services in order to improve people's lives. She gained experience working in financial planning at firms both large and small in Minnesota for about 15 years before launching Echo Wealth Management as a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) in 2015.

Echo Wealth Management channels her passion for helping people plan for their financial future by putting insight into action. At EWM, we believe that holistic financial planning is the foundation of financial success. Holistic financial planning synthesizes cash flow, asset allocation, investment management, retirement, insurance, estate and tax planning together into a personalized strategic plan. As members of an independent boutique wealth management firm, Echo and her team use their tailored expertise and experience to provide in-depth planning and customized investment management services for individuals and families, particularly corporate executives with stock options and restricted stock awards, empowering them to pursue their passions and dreams.

At Echo Wealth Management, we believe in upholding our fiduciary responsibility to act in the best interests of our clients at all times. We are intentional about offering an alternative to working with large institutions. We place a high value on our independence. We focus on people first. Our people are our assets. We continuously invest in our people and technology to better serve our clients' needs.

Let's Start a Dialogue

Managing your wealth is a very personal subject,
one we should discuss in a more personal setting.
Your time is valuable.

Before you visit our office in Plymouth, please schedule this complimentary 30 minutes Discovery Call (Zoom Video) with a member of our team to share your financial planning needs.  Our team member will let you know if you should schedule a 60 Minute FIT Meeting with Echo.

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