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Where exactly do you want to go?

When we ask that simple question, it kicks off a fascinating process of reflecting, dreaming and defining values and aspirations.  With our expert guidance, the result becomes a custom strategic plan that creates the context for your financial strategy.  It provides the structure for every financial decision you make.

The capacity of the plan we create encompasses a lot. 
It anticipates and answers questions like:

  • Can I retire at age 55 to pursue my passion in helping my favorite non-profit organization?
  • If I do want to retire at age 55, will my standard of living or investment profile need to change?
  • If I live to be 100, will I have enough money?
  • If the market tanks, will I have enough money?
  • How can I maximize my employment benefits such as stock options, 401(k) and Deferred Compensation Plan?
  • How will I fund my kids’ college education?
  • Will my family be okay if I get hit by a bus?
  • If I develop Alzheimer’s Disease like my mother, what should I do now to provide myself the best care in the future without exhausting the retirement assets of my husband?
  • What can I do to reduce my income taxes?
  • How much can I give as a gift now without putting my own retirement funding at risk?
  • What are the ways to transfer my wealth to the next generation?

Your plan reflects the combined professional expertise of wealth managers, accountants, and estate attorneys. When it’s in place, with us guiding you through every step of its implementation, you’re going to feel the pressure is off.

What we do for you evolves as you and your life evolve. But the underlying structure and support you receive remain constant. That’s real wealth management.

Echo Dashboard

A single focused view of your financial picture

We understand that providing sound financial advice requires knowing all the details of a client’s wealth.  That is why we offer the Echo Dashboard - an integrated approach to providing clients with a complete picture of their finances to see where they are going.

Financial Planning Fees

Our financial planning fees are calculated and charged on a fixed flat fee basis, typically ranging from $2,500 to $6,000 depending on the nature of the services to be provided and the complexity of the client’s circumstances.  All fees are agreed upon prior to entering into a contract with any client. 

We request a 100% fixed flat fee upon entering into the agreement.  However, we will make an exception for younger clients (i.e., those clients who are in their 20s and 30s).  Those clients may pay initial set-up fees with the balance due to be paid on a monthly basis or quarterly basis.  Advance payment will never exceed $1,200 for work that will not be completed within six months. 

We charge annually for our planning service by maintaining your Echo Dashboard and providing proactive advice.  Though every client situation is unique, the majority of our wealth management clients who use our investment management service will see a reduction in their planning fee by 30% to 50% in their subsequent year.  In addition, we can waive the annual financial planning fees for future years when the investment management fees collected are over $25,000 in the previous twelve months. 

Let's Start a Dialogue

Managing your wealth is a very personal subject,
one we should discuss in a more personal setting.
Your time is valuable.

Before you visit our office in Plymouth, please schedule this complimentary 30 minutes Discovery Call (Zoom Video) with a member of our team to share your financial planning needs.  Our team member will let you know if you should schedule a 60 Minute FIT Meeting with Echo.

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