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Echo Huang discusses Roth vs Traditional IRAs with Marriage, Kids, and Money Podcast

November 02, 2020

When you're investing in the future, you may come up against the choice of Roth IRA vs. Traditional IRA. Both are smart retirement investment options, but for different reasons. Recently, Echo Huang sat down with Marriage, Kids, and Money podcast to discuss which might be the better fit for you. 

Echo Huang Recently Spoke on the Lead Your Day with Merilyn Podcast

June 25, 2021

Echo Huang recently sat down with Merilyn and her Lead Your Day podcast to simplify wealth management and take the complexity out of finances. 

Echo Huang Talks Maximizing Motivation with The Confidence Connection Podcast

December 09, 2020

The key to success in business and in life is confidence. Echo recently sat down with Suzanne Sena on her podcast, The Confidence Connection: Building Trust in a Virtual World, to discuss self-motivation and investing in yourself. 

Echo Huang was Recently Featured on Minddog TV

October 09, 2020

Echo Huang recently sat down with Minddog TV to discuss her story in finance and share some insights that she's gained from her journey towards success. 

Echo Recently Appeared on the Rise 'n Shine Podcast!

September 28, 2020

Echo recently sat down with Lori Anne Rising and "Uncle Mark" Olmstead on the Rise 'n Shine podcast to discuss owning your future and rebuilding your wealth after COVID-19. 

Listen to Echo on Rock the Podcast

February 20, 2020


Rock the PodCast Episode: Women in the Financial Planning Industry with Echo Huang, CFA, CFP®, CPA

In this client feature episode of Rock the Podcast, Jessica interviews Echo Huang. Echo is a female Chinese immigrant who moved to America with only $800 in her pocket at the age of 20 and founded Echo Wealth Management as a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) in 2015. She is passionate about educating women that Financial Planning is a viable career path for them and

Listen to Echo on the Highley Invested Podcast

August 28, 2020

Jordan Highley's podcast, Highley Invested, with Echo Huang, CFA, CFP®, CPA

This episode of Highley Invested brings you the story of Echo Huang, a Certified Financial Planner, Public Accountant, and Chartered Financial Analyst who is the founder and president of her company Echo Wealth Management. Echo was born and raised in China and thanks to Hong Kong TV, she became a dreamer. So at the age of 20, she left China for an opportunity in the US with nothing but $800 to her name. 

Listen to Echo's Latest Interview on the Business Credit and Financing Show!

January 07, 2021

Recently Echo sat down with the Business Credit and Financing Show to discuss how to safeguard and market-proof your financial portfolio in any crisis.

Listen to Echo's Latest Interview on the Money Savage Podcast!

October 07, 2020

This podcast provides a savage approach to personal finance featuring financial professionals and subject matter experts.