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President and Founder Echo Huang Awarded the 2022 Five Star Wealth Manager Award

January 12, 2022

For the 11th year in a row, president and founder Echo Huang was awarded the 2022 Five Star Wealth Manager award.  Using an in-depth research methodology with 10 objective criteria, including client retention rate, client assets, and households served, this award honors top local investment professionals for their commitment to professional excellence.

Resetting Your Financial Goals After COVID-19

May 06, 2020

The novel Coronavirus has brought with it a lot of tragedy, devastation, and chaos; many are losing loved ones, finding themselves in financial peril, and questioning their job security. However, it also brought with it a lot of quality life lessons and a significant pause which provides a rare opportunity to turn inward and focus on what you want for your financial future. Normally, people wait until the end of the year to set out short- and long-term goals, but right now is ripe with

Second Marriage Financial Planning: Seven Steps to Success

June 24, 2020

Second marriages often bring with them a renewed optimism for the future. After all, you’re getting a second chance at a “happily ever after” and this time you have the benefit of more life experience and wisdom.

You likely also have a significantly more complex financial life than you did going into your first marriage. This means you and your partner must be thoughtful and savvy about how you will manage your finances. Use the seven steps below to help you navigate the process and ensure you

Securing a Financial Future for Your Second Marriage

September 15, 2021

Who doesn't love second chances? Second marriages often bring with them a renewed optimism for the future. After all, you're getting a second chance at “happily ever after.” The best part is that now you have the benefit of more life experience and wisdom.

On the other hand, you're likely to have a significantly more complex financial life than you did going into your first marriage. This means you and your partner must be thoughtful and savvy about how you will manage your finances.


Seven Strategies to Help You Build A Bigger Nest Egg - Even if You're Playing Catch-Up

September 29, 2021

Have you begun to save for retirement? It is never too early to start planning for your retirement, and in a perfect world, we would all start saving for retirement at age 25 and life would never throw any curveballs to send us off track. Of course, this is far from a perfect world, and that's why so many Americans find themselves playing catch-up and carrying anxiety about never achieving their retirement savings goals.

Today, I want to offer you some powerful techniques you can use to

Should You Consider a Spousal Lifetime Access Trust (SLAT)?

July 13, 2021

With anticipating changes in tax laws happening next year, it's time to review your estate plan to ensure it will continue to achieve your goals by minimizing estate taxes. 

The federal government currently imposes a gift tax on lifetime gifts and an estate tax on transfers on death.  A properly structured estate plan can reduce taxes by taking full advantage of the available tax exemptions, specifically the gift and estate tax "unified credit".  The unified credit permits every

The Surprising Pitfalls of Retiring at the Same Time as Your Spouse

March 08, 2022

On paper, retiring at the same time as your spouse sounds like a no-brainer! If you both retire together, then you would be free to travel the world, take up some new hobbies, and spend more quality time together as a couple. Chances are that you’ve not been able to enjoy these luxuries much over the past 20, 30, or more years. This is because, by the time we are nearing retirement, we have only recently said our goodbyes to our youngest child, and spouses have seen little of each other as

Understanding the ‘Rich Person Roth’

June 08, 2020

Recent world events have made it clearer than ever that it’s imperative to have a long-term financial strategy that allows you to weather volatile economic times. The Roth IRA is a popular tax-minimizing strategy, as it allows for tax-free growth and withdrawals in retirement, and many people make it part of their long-term financial plan. Unfortunately, high-income earners are either limited or ineligible when it comes to Roth contributions. At the moment, that means single individuals with

What Will it Take to Own Your Financial Future?

June 09, 2021

Do you ever feel like your finances just aren’t running on all cylinders? Setting definitive financial goals will help you stay on track, weather unexpected expenses, and gain peace of mind for your later years.

Today, I’d like to offer six goals that can help you get on track – and stay there – so you can own your financial future.

When to Pivot Your Career (And How to Pull it Off Financially!)

July 20, 2020

As human beings, we are hard-wired to be reluctant to change. We prefer the familiar, the predictable, the strategy that gives us the long view. Sometimes, though, we begin to feel the overwhelming urge to make a career change. Many people ignore the nagging feeling because it’s easier to maintain the status quo than embark on a transition that may be overwhelming or stressful. For those who choose to pursue a career pivot bravely, there can be opportunity and fulfillment waiting on the other