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Automating Finances – Finding What Works Best For You

October 16, 2019

Have you ever wondered how to merge savings into your budget? What if there was a way to save efficiently without putting you in a panic about having enough money on hand to pay monthly expenses or for discretionary spending? Think about your spending habits for a second. Most of the time, we don’t even think twice about swiping a card or dishing out cash for smaller purchases and monthly expenses. If you live in an apartment, you pay rent. You might also have a car payment, utilities, or a

Do You Know Your Financial Independence Day?

July 10, 2020

Independence Day is one of America’s favorite summer holidays. What is one of your favorite traditions on Independence Day: fireworks, hotdogs, parades? In this blog, I want to talk about another kind of Independence Day, your Financial Independence Day.

If money and time were not an issue, what kind of activities would you be doing over the next twelve months? The day when work becomes optional—when you can choose to stop working and start doing those activities that you enjoy while

Don’t Put it Off: A User-friendly Guide to Organizing Your Estate Plan

October 09, 2019

Nobody likes thinking about the end, or picking a guardian to raise your children, or having to pick which of your children would best at managing your money in your absence. But the thing about estate planning is, if you don’t do it, you lose your say in how things are handled when you pass away or if you are incapacitated and unable to speak on your own behalf. Without a will, your estate may end up in court, divvied up based on a judge’s decision—not your own.

Echo Huang Featured on Brave by Design Podcast

January 29, 2021

Echo Huang recently sat down with the Brave by Design podcast to share her personal story and discuss financial planning for retirement. 

Echo Huang was Recently Featured on the DPL Podcast

April 12, 2021

Echo Huang recently sat down with DPL's Tim Rembowski for their podcast series: Advisor Relations Podcast

Echo Recently Appeared on the Rise 'n Shine Podcast!

September 28, 2020

Echo recently sat down with Lori Anne Rising and "Uncle Mark" Olmstead on the Rise 'n Shine podcast to discuss owning your future and rebuilding your wealth after COVID-19. 

Listen to Echo's Latest Interview on the Business Credit and Financing Show!

January 07, 2021

Recently Echo sat down with the Business Credit and Financing Show to discuss how to safeguard and market-proof your financial portfolio in any crisis.

Listen to Echo's Latest Interview on the Money Savage Podcast!

October 07, 2020

This podcast provides a savage approach to personal finance featuring financial professionals and subject matter experts. 

Maximize Opportunities When You Are A High-Net-Worth Individual

January 27, 2021

If you’re a high net worth individual, chances are you have worked very hard to amass your wealth. Now, it’s vital to work equally as hard to manage that wealth to continue to benefit you and your family. That means paying close attention to your unique circumstances and being thoughtful and diligent about your high-net-worth financial planning.


Receiving Social Security Benefits Abroad

November 15, 2019

Did you know that you can still collect Social Security benefits if you are living abroad? It’s true, outside of a few specific countries: Cuba, Ukraine, North Korea, or Vietnam or if the country has differing Social Security policies in place (like Lithuania and Monaco). To check if the country would pay you your Social Security visit:

Resetting Your Financial Goals After COVID-19

May 06, 2020

The novel Coronavirus has brought with it a lot of tragedy, devastation, and chaos; many are losing loved ones, finding themselves in financial peril, and questioning their job security. However, it also brought with it a lot of quality life lessons and a significant pause which provides a rare opportunity to turn inward and focus on what you want for your financial future. Normally, people wait until the end of the year to set out short- and long-term goals, but right now is ripe with

Saving Goals at Every Age

November 01, 2019

Each age comes with different life obstacles and expenses that can often derail a good savings plan. So, in this article, we will walk you through how best to save at different points in your life. It may feel like your nest egg is growing too slowly, but time and perseverance can get you where you want to be.

Second Marriage Financial Planning: Seven Steps to Success

June 24, 2020

Second marriages often bring with them a renewed optimism for the future. After all, you’re getting a second chance at a “happily ever after” and this time you have the benefit of more life experience and wisdom.

You likely also have a significantly more complex financial life than you did going into your first marriage. This means you and your partner must be thoughtful and savvy about how you will manage your finances. Use the seven steps below to help you navigate the process and ensure you

Should You Rely on Stocks or Bonds for Your Retirement Account?

February 26, 2020

If you’ve been thinking about retirement planning, you’ve undoubtedly considered how much investment risk is appropriate for your financial goals – and your comfort level.

Every investment has risks.  The usual pattern is that when the stock market goes up, the bond market goes down (usually due to the Federal Reserve Bank increasing interest rates), but market cycles can be very strange indeed.  In 2018, both the stock and bond markets lost money.  This is precisely why

Understanding the ‘Rich Person Roth’

June 08, 2020

Recent world events have made it clearer than ever that it’s imperative to have a long-term financial strategy that allows you to weather volatile economic times. The Roth IRA is a popular tax-minimizing strategy, as it allows for tax-free growth and withdrawals in retirement, and many people make it part of their long-term financial plan. Unfortunately, high-income earners are either limited or ineligible when it comes to Roth contributions. At the moment, that means single individuals with

What Should Your Savings Goals Be?

July 07, 2021

When you’re young and just starting out, retirement seems so far away. There are more pressing things to spend your money on rather than focusing on your savings goals. Then you find the love of your life, maybe buy a house and start a family. Before you know it, your kids are looking at colleges, and, “suddenly,” retirement seems to have snuck up on you. Hopefully, you have not encountered too many of life’s obstacles and unforeseen expenses that can often derail a good savings plan. Life

When to Pivot Your Career (And How to Pull it Off Financially!)

July 20, 2020

As human beings, we are hard-wired to be reluctant to change. We prefer the familiar, the predictable, the strategy that gives us the long view. Sometimes, though, we begin to feel the overwhelming urge to make a career change. Many people ignore the nagging feeling because it’s easier to maintain the status quo than embark on a transition that may be overwhelming or stressful. For those who choose to pursue a career pivot bravely, there can be opportunity and fulfillment waiting on the other