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Alternatives to Tangible Gifts this Holiday Season

December 16, 2019

Meaningful Alternative Gift Ideas

Alternative gifts can take many forms, but here you’ll find six suggestions to get you started.

1. Check a Box on Your Loved One’s To-Do List

Most people are busy around the clock these days, with only their most pressing to-do list items getting attention in any given day, week or month. Consider asking people what they need help with, then either complete the chore for them or join together to help them accomplish it. It could be something as simple as

Developing Leadership Presence as a Woman

February 11, 2020

Anyone who successfully serves in a leadership role – or who hopes to – should think about how they are perceived by others. Education, experience, and results mean little if you aren’t viewed as a leader, and so quite a bit of your potential success comes down to presence.


Don’t Put it Off: A User-friendly Guide to Organizing Your Estate Plan

October 09, 2019

Nobody likes thinking about the end, or picking a guardian to raise your children, or having to pick which of your children would best at managing your money in your absence. But the thing about estate planning is, if you don’t do it, you lose your say in how things are handled when you pass away or if you are incapacitated and unable to speak on your own behalf. Without a will, your estate may end up in court, divvied up based on a judge’s decision—not your own.

Estate Plans Versus Wealth Transfer Plans

November 29, 2019

When it comes to estate planning, do you have your ducks in a row? Even if you have all the proper documentation in place, you may be missing an important piece of the puzzle if you don’t have a wealth transfer plan.

Estate Plans

Estate planning documents are the best way to ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes when you die. When you pass away without a will or trust in place, state law will determine who receives your assets. Unfortunately, this may not be in

Financial Advice for Married Couples: How to Get in Sync with Your Spouse

January 22, 2020

Oh, the dichotomy of money discussions. They’re so important to have, yet they are often uncomfortable and, therefore, avoided at all costs. Couple that with the fact that money disagreements are a leading cause of divorce,[i] and it’s no surprise most married couples aren’t properly communicating about financial habits and money values.



Lifetime Financial Goals

December 26, 2019

Setting financial goals helps you stay on track, whether unexpected expenses and gain peace of mind for your later years. In this article, we will review seven goals that can help you get on track – and stay there – for the duration of your financial future. 

Saving Goals at Every Age

November 01, 2019

Each age comes with different life obstacles and expenses that can often derail a good savings plan. So, in this article, we will walk you through how best to save at different points in your life. It may feel like your nest egg is growing too slowly, but time and perseverance can get you where you want to be.

Should You Rely on Stocks or Bonds for Your Retirement Account?

February 26, 2020

If you’ve been thinking about retirement planning, you’ve undoubtedly considered how much investment risk is appropriate for your financial goals – and your comfort level.

Every investment has risks.  The usual pattern is that when the stock market goes up, the bond market goes down (usually due to the Federal Reserve Bank increasing interest rates), but market cycles can be very strange indeed.  In 2018, both the stock and bond markets lost money.  This is precisely why

The Impact of Home Ownership in Retirement: Two Important Things to Consider

October 17, 2019

If you’re one of the lucky ones, though – a retiree with substantial equity in your home – you’ve already got the next best thing to that money tree. The only question is, when and how should you cash in on it?

Retirement planning, in general, involves a very personal decision-making process. This is certainly true when you’re considering anything to do with your home. It is likely the biggest purchase you’ve ever made, it may represent an important goal you’ve accomplished, and it allows you