Echo Huang Featured on the Coz Green Audio Experience

Echo sat down with Coz Green to share her story of coming to the United States at age twenty with nothing but $800 and the hope of achieving the American Dream. And how her journey through the business world over the next twenty years, gaining experience working in financial planning firms of all sizes before venturing off on her own, has brought her to where she is today.
As Economic Futures Remain Uncertain in the Wake of COVID-19, A Triple-Minority Financial Expert, Echo Huang shares her Timeless Plan for Wealth Creation

The term “wealth management” doesn’t only apply to wealthy people. The release of Echo's new book "Own Your Future" tells the story of how a poor immigrant came to live the American dream and how you can too. It’s a story of dreams manifested as a result of the guidance offered by the author’s seven core principles: daring to dream, being adaptable, respecting education, setting goals, utilizing smart and deliberate planning to achieve success, seizing
Echo Huang Featured on the Frenzied to Financial Freedom Podcast

Echo recently sat down with Stephanie Wankel and Kristen Beatty of the Frenzied to Financial Freedom Podcast to share her story and how she overcame obstacles including what she calls being a triple minority (Asian, a woman and a new immigrant). Tune in to learn the three big life choices that drove her success!
Echo Huang Featured on The Authors Unite Show

Echo Huang recently sat down with Tyler Wagner of The Authors Unite Show to discuss her new book Own Your Future that was released on June 9, 2020. She shared her unique personal story, and discussed some investment strategies including hedged equity and structured notes to deal with current stock market volatility and the 0% interest environment.
Echo Huang featured on The Simple Dollar: College Costs Women More – But We Can’t Get Mad About It

Financial literacy classes could also help level the playing field. “I believe students should be required to learn about budgeting, loans, prepare a simple tax return, basic insurance, retirement planning and investing principles,” says Echo Huang, CFA, Founder and President of Echo Wealth Management. She encourages people to work with local lawmakers to put these measures in place.
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