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Echo Huang Featured on the Wine and Dime Podcast

May 15, 2020

Echo Huang recently sat down with Amy Irvine of the Wine and Dime Podcast to discuss her views on financial planning as a "triple minority" as well as actionable advice you can implement in your financial planning!

Echo Huang Talks Managing Finances in a Crisis on the Balance Boldly Podcast

May 13, 2020

Echo Huang recently sat down with Naketa R. Thigpen of the Balance Boldly for Ambitious Women in Business Podcast to discuss managing your finances during a crash and how her own journey has shaped her current approach.

Listen in to learn how she transformed from being an accountant to a financial advisor running a solo practice when the economy was in a crisis. You will also hear some of her tips on how you can take advantage of the COVID-19 crisis to make beneficial financial

Echo Huang featured by Reader's Digest: How to Save for Retirement During the Coronavirus Crash

May 04, 2020
Whether you're in your 20s or close to retirement age, chances are high that the global pandemic has had an impact on your retirement plans.

Take advantage of an automatic savings plan

"Some people with the means to save for retirement may know they need to do so, but they often have difficulty sacrificing present consumption because of a lack of self-control," notes Echo Huang, CFA, CFP®, CPA, founder and president of Echo Wealth Management

Echo Huang, CFA, CFP®, CPA Featured on the De La Fit Podcast

April 20, 2020

The lack of understanding about the Corona-virus breeds fear among us as a nation, people have become increasingly paranoid, and with paranoia, inevitably comes fear and hate-filled reactions. Many U.S. citizens specifically (Asian and now African descended) have had to deal with an increase in xenophobic behavior fueled by the fear of the Corona-virus. Echo Huang joined SunMoon Bey on the De La Fit Podcast, Friday April 17th, to discuss "Corona-virus / Xenophobia" fear within the

Check out our Open House Video!

Echo Wealth Management Celebrates $100 Million AUM and a Big Move to Their New Office Space
December 02, 2019

In October 2019 Echo Wealth Management moved to a new office suite at ATRIA Corporate Center in Plymouth, MN. Our Open House Celebration that was held on October 25th featured Fresh Sushi and Thai Food from Lucky Street, Virtual Reality Car Racing from Aventures with VR and the wonderful company and conversation of our clients, colleagues, family, and friends.

Schedule a No-Obligation Discovery Call

Managing your wealth is a very personal subject, one we should discuss in a more personal setting.


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