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Happy 3rd Birthday Echo Wealth Management!

March 01, 2018

With thankfulness and appreciation for my friends, family, team and clients, I am excited to celebrate the 3rd birthday of Echo Wealth Management today! It has been a satisfying journey over the past three years of building a strong foundation for the business that focuses on taking the complexity out of wealth management. We have been blessed with amazing client experiences and the supportive efforts from our centers of influence, including attorneys, CPAs, insurance agents, business operations and technology partners.

It has been a very rewarding personal and professional experience along the way. We are now getting ready for more achievements in the next year, starting with hiring another new team member this spring as we now manage over $76 million for 57 households.

We are always looking for ways to provide superior client service experience. We have started using Zoom in addition to WebEx to conduct screen share/video meetings. We are in the process of changing to Calendly for online meeting scheduling so that clients and prospects can schedule calls and meetings easily with me and Tyler on our company website soon. As the tax season is underway, we have been sending each client’s tax files (including Form 1099s, IRA contributions letters and security donation letters to their donor-advised funds) to their tax CPAs securely in order to make our clients’ tax season less stressful. TD Ameritrade’s trading and rebalancing tools are getting better each year and its Veo One integrates with many other tools we use, allowing us to manage money more efficiently.

I have decided to set one specific daring goal each year that requires me to expand my mind and efforts even more. This is what I have chosen for year 2018: To grow my Twitter account followers number from 105 to 10,000. I believe if I can obtain 10,000 followers by year end, then I will have a cost efficient platform to share ideas with more people about money management, improving people’s lives, environment, travel and other meaningful topics. If you are on Twitter, you can help me achieve this goal by following me on Twitter @EchoHuangCFP. You can also follow my company’s Twitter account @EchoWMLLC.

My heartfelt thanks go out to everybody that has made the past three years a success beyond my wildest dreams.

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Managing your wealth is a very personal subject, one we should discuss in a more personal setting.