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The Why, What, and How of a Financially Fruitful Career Pivot

Pulling off a Successful Career Change Requires Intentional Planning
July 21, 2021

2020 was a year of pivoting - business owners pivoting to adapt to the changing market environment, and others having career changes “forced” upon them. As humans, we prefer the familiar, the predictable, the strategy that gives us the long view. But when it’s not forced upon you, change can be incredible, especially as you begin to feel the urge to make a career change. Many people ignore the nagging feeling because it’s easier to maintain the status quo than embark on a transition that may be

Should You Consider a Spousal Lifetime Access Trust (SLAT)?

July 13, 2021

With anticipating changes in tax laws happening next year, it's time to review your estate plan to ensure it will continue to achieve your goals by minimizing estate taxes. 

The federal government currently imposes a gift tax on lifetime gifts and an estate tax on transfers on death.  A properly structured estate plan can reduce taxes by taking full advantage of the available tax exemptions, specifically the gift and estate tax "unified credit".  The unified credit permits every

What Should Your Savings Goals Be?

Financial Planning for Every Decade of Your Life
July 07, 2021

When you’re young and just starting out, retirement seems so far away. There are more pressing things to spend your money on rather than focusing on your savings goals. Then you find the love of your life, maybe buy a house and start a family. Before you know it, your kids are looking at colleges, and, “suddenly,” retirement seems to have snuck up on you. Hopefully, you have not encountered too many of life’s obstacles and unforeseen expenses that can often derail a good savings plan. Life

What Will it Take to Own Your Financial Future?

These steps can help you gain control of your financial reality

June 09, 2021

Do you ever feel like your finances just aren’t running on all cylinders? Setting definitive financial goals will help you stay on track, weather unexpected expenses, and gain peace of mind for your later years.

Today, I’d like to offer six goals that can help you get on track – and stay there – so you can own your financial future.

Important Tax Savings Strategies for the Affluent – And Those Who Want to Be

Tips to Help You Build and Protect Your Wealth
May 19, 2021

When I worked as a tax CPA for KPMG in the late 90s, I served many corporate executives and wealthy families as their senior tax specialist and prepared many individual income tax returns, trust returns, and gift tax returns. Now, I use that knowledge and expertise to help my affluent and high-income clients plan ahead to keep more money in their pockets by using smart tax savings strategies. 

Looking at this Historical Tax Rate Chart 1913-2021, you can see that the current top income

Why Wealth Transfer Plans are Critical to Estate Planning

Don’t Neglect this Essential Aspect of Leaving Assets to Your Heirs
May 05, 2021

Schedule a No-Obligation Discovery Call

Managing your wealth is a very personal subject, one we should discuss in a more personal setting.