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Why Health Savings Accounts are Appealing for High-Income Earners

When Used Correctly, HSAs Can Be the Ultimate Tax Savings Strategy
March 30, 2021

One of the keys to wealth building is protecting as much of your income as possible, making it crucial for high-income earners to develop a smart tax savings strategy. Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are a great tool to help you accomplish this goal, yet they are often overlooked or misunderstood. When you do take advantage of an HSA – and you use it correctly – it provides an easy annual income tax deduction, but it can also create dedicated, tax-free savings for your healthcare needs in

Five Reasons Retirement Planning is Different for Women

Current Gender Norms Mean Stakes Are Higher for Women, but these Challenges Don’t Have to Sideline Your Retirement Planning
February 08, 2021

Financial professionals will tell you that every retirement plan is different when it comes to retirement planning because every retiree is unique. However, that isn’t exactly true since many married couples create and depend on just one retirement plan for both of them. Though this might seem like common sense at first glance, couples should be sure that their shared retirement plan represents their very different retirement needs and realities.

Unfortunately, even in these modern times

Maximize Opportunities When You Are A High-Net-Worth Individual

You've Built Your Wealth; Now You Need to Manage It
January 27, 2021

If you’re a high net worth individual, chances are you have worked very hard to amass your wealth. Now, it’s vital to work equally as hard to manage that wealth to continue to benefit you and your family. That means paying close attention to your unique circumstances and being thoughtful and diligent about your high-net-worth financial planning.


New Year, New You: Financial Resolutions for 2021

See Your Resolutions Through with These Resolution Guidelines
January 15, 2021

New Year’s Day always seems to bring an air of magic along with it. It’s a new beginning, an opportunity to wipe your slate clean, make big changes, and start fresh. That’s what new year's resolutions are all about. Perhaps you want to work out more or spend less time watching tv and more time reading, or pursue that hobby you’ve always been interested in but never made the time for. Whatever your new year's resolutions are, the magic isn’t in making of the resolution itself, but in sticking to

Under Pressure: Sandwich Generation Moms Face More Stress than Others

Moms Caring for Children and Aging Parents Can Use These Tips to De-Stress
December 21, 2020

Caring for children can quickly leave you feeling overextended, and caring for aging parents can, too. When you’re doing both at the same time, however, it can be challenging to manage the stress. This internal battle is waged every day by mothers in the “sandwich generation.” These are women aged 35-54 who are balancing the needs of both growing children and aging parents. It’s a demanding, delicate act and it’s causing sandwich generation mothers to face levels of stress far greater than

Six Tax-Efficient Investing Strategies

Present and Future Tax Liabilities Should Be Considered in Any Investment Decision
December 07, 2020

There is so much to consider when making investment decisions, especially when you’re working toward meeting specific short- and long-term financial goals. This is certainly true of the tax implications of your investment strategy, as taxes can reduce your investment returns from year to year and jeopardize your ability to achieve your goals. This is especially true if you fall into a higher federal income tax bracket, making it even more important to consider the impact of taxes when making

Schedule a No-Obligation Discovery Call

Managing your wealth is a very personal subject, one we should discuss in a more personal setting.