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Should You Invest in Bitcoin?

February 28, 2018

In the past year myriad stories of how some people have become super rich by buying Bitcoin have been circulating on the internet. Even my ballroom dance instructor asked me last December if I had been investing in Bitcoin and when it would be the right time to get in. With all the hype, do you feel you may be missing out if you don’t own bitcoins? Should you invest in Bitcoin?

Echo Huang, CFA, CFP®, CPA Awarded the Five Star Wealth Manager Award for 2018!

February 26, 2018

In conjunction with Mpls. St. Paul Magazine and Twin Cities Business, Five Star Professional has recognized Echo Huang with the 2018 Five Star Wealth Management award. Echo Huang has been a seven-year recipient (2012 - 2018) of this award.  She is among the 7% Twin Cities wealth managers to receive this award in 2018.

Check out Echo’s online profile and feel free to share it with your colleagues and friends who may be looking for a trusted wealth manager:

The Five Things You Can Do Now to Get Your Finances in Order This New Year

January 30, 2018
  1. Create a new budget for the new year by reviewing last year’s actual expenses vs. budget. In my opinion, living below your means is rule #1 in personal financial planning. Regardless how much you make, if you do not save enough for your future, it would be difficult to achieve financial independence down the road. If you use expense tracking tools such as Quicken, or your own Excel worksheet, now it is the time to generate your cash flow statement by category to see how well you

The Highlights of GOP Tax Bill

December 18, 2017

There is a tax bill, but there is no tax reform as it does not simplify the tax codes and will keep tax professionals very busy over the next 12 months to figure out a series of cuts and tweaks. These changes will not affect year 2017 tax returns. These are the highlights of GOP Tax Bill, a final reconciled version of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017 that appears to be heading shortly to President Trump for signature:

Thanksgiving is More Than Just a Day

November 29, 2017

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday for several reasons:

Schedule a No-Obligation Discovery Call

Managing your wealth is a very personal subject, one we should discuss in a more personal setting.