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Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)

October 27, 2016

The deadline for 2017 benefits enrollment is approaching quickly for many employees.  More and more employers have started to offer high-deductible health insurance plans in addition to the traditional HMO or PPO plans.  You can set up health savings accounts (HSAs) only if you choose one of the high-deductible health insurance plans instead of the traditional HMO or PPO health insurance plans with co-pays.  What do you need to know about HSAs in order to make a wise decision for

Echo and Steve Passed the CFA Level III Exam

August 30, 2016

When I founded Echo Wealth Management in early 2015, I had a vision in mind for my new company: take complexity out of wealth management while helping clients gain the confidence to follow their dreams.  And over the past 18 months, through investing in cutting edge technology, and bringing Steve Drost and Tyler Lodahl aboard as associate wealth managers, I am thrilled by what we have achieved together: over $59 million in assets under management and 50 clients.  In addition, I

What You Need to Know About Long-Term Care Insurance

July 29, 2016
  1. You should not rely on Medicare to pay for your long term care expenses.  Many people believe they can rely on Medicare to pay for any long-term care services they will need. However, Medicare only pays for long-term care if you require skilled services or recuperative care for a short period of time. Medicare does not pay for what comprises the majority of long-term care services - nonskilled assistance with Activities of Daily Living.
  2. Many of you cannot count on Medicaid.

To Rollover or Not Rollover Your 401(k) - It Depends

April 30, 2016

One of the biggest decisions many of our clients face is what to do with their 401(k) plan when they leave their employer. There is no clear cut answer as to whether you should roll over your 401(k) plan to an IRA, another employer’s 401(k) plan, or simply to leave it where it is, because it involves several different factors, including long term investment costs and the availability of investment options within the plans. Both can impact the long term performance of your retirement plan

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Managing your wealth is a very personal subject, one we should discuss in a more personal setting.