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What Are Your Portfolio Performance Expectations?

March 31, 2016

In the story of Alice in Wonderland, Alice arrives at a fork in the road and wonders aloud which road to take. A smiling Cheshire Cat appears and asks her what her destination is, to which she replies, “I don’t know.” The toothy cat then proffers the only possible response, “Well, then it doesn’t matter.”

While it’s not the type of exchange that might actually occur in our lives, it should, especially as we consider our financial future. For many people, who have yet to clearly define their

2016 Could Be a Bumpy Ride

January 22, 2016

In 2016, greater risks on a number of fronts are likely to increase the frequency and magnitude of volatility spikes for investors. 

Help Build a School Soon by Obtaining a Matching Donation of $25,000

October 30, 2015

More than five years ago, a client of mine who is a physician introduced me to Dr. Abul Sharah, who retired early from corporate life in Minnesota in 1999 and founded the International Village Clinic (IVC).  I learned that Abul had been born a fatherless, impoverished boy in Uttar Pradesh, India’s poorest province.  chance, brains, and hard work, he got an education and rose to senior engineering and marketing positions at Honeywell and MTS Systems over a 27-year career.

More than

Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) - a Simple, Smart & Meaningful Way to Support Your Favorite Causes and Charities

October 19, 2015

Donor Advised Funds can be set up easily to accomplish both tax savings and charitable giving goals.  Most people think they need to have a big sum of money before considering setting up their own family charitable fund.  But Donor Advised Funds are the most popular charitable vehicles for donors at many levels of wealth.  You can start your own donor advised fund with as little as $10,000.  I generally recommend a minimum of $50,000 to my clients if they plan to request

New Team Member at Echo Wealth Management

October 15, 2015

It is hard to believe that it has already been 7 months since forming Echo Wealth Management.  Every day I am thankful for the opportunity to pursue my passion for wealth management and I am energized by my conversations with clients about helping them achieve their goals.  My firm continues to grow through a combination of previous clients who sought us out and new clients who appreciates our integrated approach to wealth management, by combining customized financial plans with

What You Should Know About Life Insurance

September 19, 2015

The decision to buy life insurance is one of the most critical decisions we make, which is why the decision as to which type of life insurance policy to buy can be just as critical. You can’t really try on a life insurance policy, so the one you choose needs to fit you like a glove from the outset. The challenge for most people is the sheer number of different kinds of life insurance products from which to choose. The choice is made easier when you have a clear understanding of your own needs

Schedule a No-Obligation Discovery Call

Managing your wealth is a very personal subject, one we should discuss in a more personal setting.